Even though you may never have met me, you know that I have sinned because of the word "ALL". God says ALL have sinned. It doesn’t matter how old or young, rich or poor, all have sinned.
You know I have sinned because of what God says in His Word
(the King James Bible). I know
you have sinned because
of what God says in His Word.
What is sin? Most people know that…
Doing what God says not to do is sin!
But the Bible also says that
Not doing what God tells you to do is sin!
Doing something you are not sure about is also Sin
According to God, one bad thought is sin!
If Eternal life is Heaven,what is eternal death?
The Bible says it is the place called Hell.
Notice the word WAGE, what is a wage?
A WAGE is either payment or punishment for any actions -
Notice, the Bible said Hell was Earned, a WAGE,
but said Heaven is a GIFT.
What is the difference between a Gift and A Wage?
Then why to people go to Hell if it is not their works?
... to repent!
You may have been taught you can earn your way to heaven, you may have belief in many different ideas and philosophies, but God says you must Repent (or Turn) from your beliefs, and believe that what the Bible says is true. It is true when God says something is a sin,
it is true when God tells us
So, God says Heaven, Eternal Life, is a free gift and must
be received. How do you receive Heaven when
it is so far away? If I had $100 in my bank account
and I said it was a gift for you, how would you get it.
You can’t go to the bank, they won’t let you in my account! You must ask me to get it for you, only I have access to my account. To get the free gift of Heaven
is just like that,we all must go through the One that can reach it for us, Jesus Christ.
First God needs you to CONFESS.
Most people are taught or think that confession means to tell God all the sins you have done, and then ask Him to forgive each one.
It is impossible for you to even remember all the sins that you have ever done. Will God require you
to do something that is impossible for you to do? No! He is an honest and just God! Notice in the verse
it did not say to confess your sins, but to confess...the Lord Jesus.
What does it mean to call to God? You call to God in prayer. This is not an audible prayer that man needs to hear, it is a prayer of the heart that God needs to hear. Call simply means to ask (believing His Word by faith, believing He is true to His Word, then acting on that belief). We ask God by praying to Him, believing His
Word is true and that He will do what He says He will do.
He simply wants you to confess and believe His Word
is True and ask Him for the free gift of Heaven,
believing or trusting on Him and His Word,
that He will do what He said He will do.
If you believe God’s Word, take Him at His Word !
God is not willing that any perish! If we ask believing, He will save us because it is HIS WILL!
Since that time have I sinned? Yes, of course I have!
Will He take the gift back?
No, He gave me Eternal life, not semi-
I became His son (John 1:12). What can a son do to cause him not to be his father’s son? Nothing, he will always
be his father’s son! The only way to change it is to reverse the process and go back into your mothers tummy.
There are 2 problems with that, first of all you wouldn’t fit, and secondly, even if you did, she wouldn’t let you!
The same thing applies to God’s Gift, God will not take
back that gift of eternal life. He promised:
YOU only need to Ask for & Receive The Gift once because it lasts Forever! That is why it is called
Eternal Life. This is a gift that never wears out,
never breaks, can never be lost, and costs us nothing!
Sealed by God to insure that YOU will go to Heaven
when you die!
What do YOU need to do in order to be 100% sure
YOU will go to Heaven when you die?
(The Answer: Believe God's Word and ask Him to save YOU.) It is that simple.
Wouldn't you like to be 100% sure you will go to Heaven? Sure you would!
When is the best time to ask Him to save you? God says:
God says that everyone has sinned. There is no one walking earth right now that can say, I have no sin.
It doesn’t matter who you are or where you are from, God, who never lies, says that you have sinned and are a sinner. Even if you have not physically done anything wrong, God says everyone has thought wrong thoughts. In God’s eyes that is the same as doing it.
Because of our sin, we will always come short of what we need to EARN heaven. None of us meet what it takes to get into or earn Heaven on our own.
We cannot and do not earn or DESERVE Heaven
no matter how good our works!
Not only do we not deserve Heaven, the Bible says there is a penalty sin (What We HAVE Earned or Deserve):
God says one sin (no “S” on the end) is enough to earn
or deserve that punishment of death. Do you understand that if God allowed even one sin to enter into Heaven unpunished, it would destroy that great place. It would
no longer be perfect, it would be like earth!
The BAD NEWS is that we all have sin, and because of that we all deserve to go to the place called Hell which ultimately is the Lake of Fire. Once in Hell there is
no way out. Once someone goes to this awful place,
they will be there forever.
This is not God’s intended plan for any of mankind,
He made Hell for Satan and his angels. The Bad news
is our sin will take us there, Do you like bad news? Neither do I, I am glad God also gave us the GOOD NEWS
(Gospel means Good news!)...
A GIFT is offered to someone expecting nothing in return. You cannot pay someone for a gift they offer to you.
It is not the one receiving the gift that must pay the price,
t is the one offering it. The one offering a gift MUST pay
for it IN FULL. God is the One giving this gift, and He must be the One to pay for it! When you go into a store to buy
a gift, you must pay the whole price before you can offer
it to someone else. This same principle applies with the gift of Eternal Life (Life forever in Heaven) that God is offering to you. How long is Eternal? Yes, it is forever, God has offered to buy you a gift that lasts forever! Who is offering the GIFT? (God) Who must pay for it? (God).
Then the next question is, how did God pay for this GIFT?
(Jesus death on the Cross,
His shed blood)
When Jesus died on the Cross,
did he die for the sins you did,
are doing, or are going to do?
He died for them all! His death made it possible for Him to offer
the Free gift of Eternal Life!
He died on the cross before you were even born proving that
He was paying the full price
for all your sins past, present
and future! Jesus died for
all your sins, and He died for everybody else in the world too! He now offers to pay
your sin penalty in full.
When someone offers you a gift you can either take it,
or turn it down.
The Bible says you can receive it or reject it:
Notice, It does not say whosoever becomes Baptist,
or Catholic, or Lutheran etc., it is receiving HIM (that
Him being Jesus Christ and His payment!). I wish it did say Baptist Church, that way everybody would have to go
to my church to get saved, but it doesn’t, and I would
be lying to say it did. It doesn’t say you have to part of
a certain church (although God does care about which church we go to), nor does it say we have to give a certain amount etc(even though God does care that we give).,
it is a free gift that needs to be simply received.
It is not because they sinned to much,
or the good works must outweigh the bad works, it is simply because they didn’t receive it! They did not want to believe and put their faith in God and let Jesus Christ pay for their sin. They are deceived into thinking
that they can pay for it themselves by good works,
or that they have sinned to much to receive it,
but neither of those ideas are Biblical!
That is why God warns us...
what we have to do in order to receive the free
gift of Heaven (To Be Saved or To Be Born Again).
You must repent! Another good definition of Repent
is to agree with God against yourself.
Confess means simply to tell the truth. The Bible says that God’s Word is true. God’s Word says
that Jesus died for you,
was buried for you, rose again
(in the flesh!) from the dead for you, and that He was seen after
His death proving God accepted
The payment and that He can offer it to you. You must trust God’s Word, that you are a sinner, and that you need a Saviour, and the only one that can save you is Jesus.
Most 8 year olds can believe this, and then take God at His Word. They can commit their eternity to Him by bowing their head and praying to Him, asking Him to save them.
The words you say are not as important as the belief
in the heart. Here is something like what I prayed
so I could receive the free gift from God:
“Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and can't earn my
way to heaven. The Bible is true. I believe Jesus
did die for my sins on
the cross, He was buried, and He did rise out of
the grave alive. Please forgive me and save me
so I received eternal life and be your child forever. Thank you!
In Jesus name, Amen.”
Did He save me then? Of course He keeps His Word! He said if I called confessing and believing He would save me, and He did! He told us:
Now is the best time. You don’t know that you will be alive by Sunday, or by tonight, or even an hour from now. Where would you go if you died right now (Hell, if you are not saved), well that can be changed right now! You must take God at His Word and turn from your prior unbiblical knowledge, simply believing God’s Word and asking Him to save you. The prayer earlier was an example of a prayer that you can pray to God if you believed God’s simple message (This does not have to be an audible prayer to be heard of men, but it must be the attitude of the heart toward God, and prayer to God). Be specific with God! Get it settled now, confess Jesus Christ right now and ask God for that free gift of eternal life!
Bow your head right now and ask God to save you!
If you do ask God to save you, write today’s date down! It is you new Spiritual Birthday, your 2nd birthday, or as the Bible puts it, you have been “BORN AGAIN”!
Please write to us if you have received the free gift of eternal life. If you have we are now related, brothers and sisters
with God as our Heavenly Father!
I would like to insure that you find a Bible-
as a child of God! If I am a child of God, and you are a child of God, that makes us brothers (or brother and sister). I care about
my family! Please let us know if you have joined the family
because of this message.
It is our supreme goal and desire that all that access
this web site also have their future home in Heaven.
God gave us His Word and said:
Please read the text carefully and prayerfully, and if you make a decision, please let us know!
According to The Bible you CAN BE 100% Sure,
You will go to Heaven one day!
Here is what the Bible says: